Scholarships given by Sabanci Foundation have no repayment or service obligation or compulsory service expectation and are provided to successful but financially lacking university students. However, graduates can mentor students to transfer their experience and knowledge to the students who receive scholarships if they wish to pay their debt of gratitude.
Moreover, the Sabanci Foundation Scholarships are granted to 15 students that the Measurement, Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM) designates on the basis of their handicaps and academic performance as well as 15 students who ranked first in their respective provinces, with a priority given to students from the developing provinces.
Requirements For Application And Evaluation
- Ankara University
- Bogazici University
- Cukurova University
- Dokuz Eylul University
- Ege University
- Gazi University
- Hacettepe University
- Istanbul Technical University
- Istanbul University
- Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa
- Marmara University
- Middle East Technical University
- Yildiz Technical University
Minimum scores required in the Higher Education Institutions Exam are announced at the beginning of each year at the universities listed above.
The scholarship is available for Turkish citizens having their undergraduate program in Turkey.
The evaluation will focus on the candidates' success as well as the level of financial need.
Application Deadline And Scholarship Amount
Scholarship application documents required by the student's university will be valid for Sabanci Foundation scholarships.
Students are required to submit the applications and paperwork for the Sabancı Foundation scholarships at the Student Affairs/Scholarship Office by the deadline set by the university they are enrolled in. Unless a different deadline is specified by the Student Affairs/Scholarship Office, the applications should be filed at the latest by 20th October.
The scholarship applications of the students studying at Marmara University, Cukurova University, Dokuz Eylul University and Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa are accepted through the website The selection of scholars from the applications to the website will be carried out by evaluating with the Scholarship Committees of the Marmara University, Cukurova University, Dokuz Eylul University and Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa.
A monthly payment will be given for 10 months between October and June(double payment in October.