100% Support For Education
Haci Omer Sabancı Vakfı (Sabanci Foundation) supports the “100% Support for Education” campaign initiated by the Ministry of National Education in Turkey.
Sabanci Foundation donated 1260 computers to 60 schools in Adana as part of the “Support for Computer-assisted Education” project which is a key component of the campaign. This donation greatly helped to meet infrastructure and technical needs of schools which can now benefit from enhanced computer-technology.
An opening ceremony was held for the computer-technology classroom established at Sabanci Anatolian Textile Polytechnic and Anatolian Textile Vocational High School in Adana on 27 March 2007. The Chair of Sabanci Foundation’s Board of Trustees, Ms. Guler Sabanci, and the Minister of National Education, Mr. Huseyin Celik, attended the opening ceremony.
In her speech, Ms. Guler Sabanci expressed that computers and technology are crucial in improving the overall education system quality in Turkey.
Mr. Huseyin Celik thanked the Sabanci Foundation for their generous contributions and support to both Adana and our nation.