The Role of Philanthropy in the Post-Pandemic World (2021)

About the Event

Since 2007, the Sabancı Foundation Philanthropy Seminars have been bringing civil society, academia, private and public sector representatives together with international experts to learn about new trends and hot topics in philanthropy and civil society sector.

Learnings and new priorities of the field of philanthropy were discussed at the 14th Sabancı Foundation International Philanthropy Seminar entitled " The Role of Philanthropy in the Post-Pandemic World". "How will philanthropy transform itself in the post-pandemic world?" “What have we learned from the pandemic?” “Which areas will be prioritized in this period of deepening inequalities?” The seminar opened space for discussing these questions together. The event took place on Sabancı Foundation’s YouTube account on 14 December 2021, between 14.00 – 15.30 CET. 

Click to watch the seminar record.


14 December 2021, Tuesday, 14.00-15.30 CET

  Host and Moderator - Serdar Kuzuloğlu

Performance – Masaka Kids Africana, Dance and Music Company

Opening Speech – Güler Sabancı, Sabancı Foundation Chair of Board of Trustees

Keynote Speaker I – Kumi Naidoo - Human Rights and Climate Activist, Africans Rising

Panel: The Role of Philanthropy in a Post-Pandemic World


Bathylle Missika - Head of Networks, Partnerships and Gender Division, OECD Development Centre
Patricia Mcllreavy - CEO of Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Christina Kwauk - Researcher, Non-resident Fellow at Brookings Institute

Keynote Speaker II – Delphine Moralis - CEO of European Foundation Centre


Masaka Kids Africana:

Dance and Music Company

Masaka Kids Africana, a music and dance group consisting of African children aged 2 and over, established in the town of Masaka, Uganda. They use music as a tool for social change and supports children’s education with donations they get. There are more orphans in Uganda than anywhere else in the world. Many of the children in the group have also lost one or both of their parents due to epidemics, extreme poverty and armed conflicts. The Group, which usually uploads their performance videos on YouTube, has more than 2 million subscribers.

Keynote Speakers

Kumi Naidoo

Human Rights and Climate Activist, Africans Rising

South African born human rights and climate activist Kumi Naidoo began his activism at his fifteen by organising school boycotts against the apartheid educational system. After he returned to his country in 1990 from exile, he served as secretary general in CIVICUS aiming strenthening citizen action and civil society, and executive director in Greenpeace International. After that he became Secretary General of Amnesty International from 2018 to 2020. Kumi Naidoo has been taking active roles in Africans Rising, which is a Pan-African movement of people and organisations, working for justice, peace and dignity, of which he is one of the founders.

Delphine Moralis:

CEO of European Foundation Centre

CEO of European Foundation Centre Delphine Moralis is Chief Executive of the European Foundation Centre, a leading platform for philanthropy in Europe. The EFC is a dynamic membership organisation of strategically-minded philanthropic organisations from more than 30 countries that works to strengthen the sector and make the case for institutional philanthropy as a formidable means of effecting change. Prior to joining the EFC, Delphine serves as Secretary General in different European-wide organisations focusing mainly on children and took responsibilities on networking, governance and strengthening dialog betwen organisations. She has championed various advocacy and awareness campaigns and authored publications on children and philanthropy. Delphine has also held positions in advocacy and public affairs at Child Focus, the European Youth Forum and Cable Europe. She has an Advanced Master’s Degree in European Studies.


Bathylle Missika:

Head of Networks, Partnerships and Gender Division, OECD Development Centre

Bathylle Missika is Head of the Networks, Partnerships and Gender Division at the OECD Development Centre. Missika oversees the Development Centre’s strategic engagement with stakeholders while working on how gender equality and gender norms can be integrated into the sustainable development agenda. Ms Missika helped create and currently leads the OECD Centre on Philanthropy, which produces data and analysis on philanthropy for development. Bathylle Missika re-joined the OECD in 2012 after working in UNDP focusing on governance, post-conflict and fragile countries. She holds degree from different educational institutions including Sciences Po, Tufts University and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

Patricia McIlreavy:

CEO, Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP)

Patricia McIlreavy is president and CEO of the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, an organization that works with funders, non-profits and other partners to mobilize a full range of resources that strengthen the ability of communities to withstand disasters and recover equitably when they occur. With over 25 years of experience in humanitarian relief and post-conflict development primarily in Africa and the Middle East, she brings a unique blend of operational and strategic expertise to disaster philanthropy when she became president of CDP in 2020. Throughout her career, she has focused on improving the effectiveness and impact of the aid sector.

Christina Kwauk:

Researcher, Non-resident Fellow at Brookings Institute

Christina Kwauk is a social scientist with a current interdisciplinary focus on girls’ education in developing countries, 21st century skills, youth empowerment and education for climate action. She worked in organisations like Obama Foundation’s Girls Opportunity Alliance and Save the Children Christina Kwauk is the co-author of the book named “What Works in Girls’ Education: Evidence for the World’s Best Investment”. Christina Kwauk is an education consultant and Research Director at Unbounded Associates and Brookings Institute. She is a member of the International Jury for the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education, and the Judging Academy for the World’s Best School Prizes.

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