
Sabanci Foundation is a founder and a member of the Executive Board of TUSEV since 1993.
TUSEV was established in 1993 by Turkey’s leading civil society organizations (CSOs), and has now grown to a supporting network of over 100 associations and foundations that share a vision of strengthening the legal, fiscal and operational infrastructure of the third (non-profit) sector in Turkey. TUSEV’s programming is designed to promote a legally and fiscally enabling environment for nonprofit organizations, encourage strategic and effective giving, facilitate partnerships across public, private & third sectors, support and engage the international community in learning about and collaborating with the Turkish third sector, conduct research on the sector's role, needs and dynamics to serve as a basis for civil society strengthening initiatives.
Year of Establishment | : 1993 |
Location | : Istanbul |
Members | : 108 Foundations and Associations, 2 individuals (For more info click here) |
Fields of Activity | : Legal infrastructure, social investment, research, publications, trainings and events, international relations, networking |
Web Page | : |

Sabanci Foundation has been a member of the European Foundation Center (EFC) since 1991.
Founded in 1989 in Brussels, EFC aims to create supportive legal environments for foundations in Europe, strengthen the third sector, and build bridges and foster partnerships between foundations and other actors in the sector.
Sabanci Foundation has been a member of the European Foundation Center (EFC) since 1991 and a member of its Governing Council since 2011.
In 2014, Sabanci Foundation became the first Turkish foundation that was re-elected to the Governing Council for a period of 3 years. In addition, Sabanci Foundation became a founding member of the European Consortium of Foundations on Human Rights and Disabilities in 2009 and has been the co-chair of this consortium since 2014.
Year of Establishment | : 1989 |
Location | : Brussels |
Members | : 216 of which 88% are in Europe |
Fields of Activity | : Policy studies, research, publications, training and events |
Web Page | : |

Sabanci Foundation has been a member of COF since 1987.
The Council on Foundations is a Washington, DC, area-based nonprofit membership association of nearly 1,600 foundations and corporations. As the voice of philanthropy, the Council works to create an environment in which the movement can grow and thrive, and to provide Council members with the products and services they need to do their best work.
Year of Establishment | : 1949 |
Location | : Washington, DC |
Members | : Nearly 1,600 grantmaking foundations and corporations |
Fields of Activity | : Policy studies, research, publications, training and events |
Web Page | : |